CHARACTER graveyard


character graveyard

Just because your character died, doesn’t mean their journey has to end there! Put them into the graveyard where someone can come along and resurrect them!



Savage Worlds

Introducing The Character Graveyard

The Character Graveyard is a comprehensive service dedicated to the rich tapestry of characters that have graced the gaming tables of passionate tabletop RPG enthusiasts. It serves as a digital resting place for adventurers of all shapes and sizes, allowing players to immortalize their beloved characters from past campaigns and share them with the gaming community.

This website features a user-friendly interface that encourages players to contribute their characters and explore the vast collection of pre-generated heroes. Here’s how the characters are organized and categorized to enhance the browsing experience:

Game System

To cater to the varied preferences of RPG enthusiasts, the characters are categorized based on the roleplaying system they were created for. Whether it’s Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Shadowrun, Call of Cthulhu, or any other system, players can easily find characters compatible with their preferred game.

Character Level

Characters are grouped based on their progression through various levels. This ensures that players can easily find characters suitable for their campaign’s power level. From low-level novices to legendary high-level heroes, the character graveyard has it all.

Character Race

Characters are further classified by their respective races, encompassing a wide range of fantasy beings. Whether it’s noble elves, cunning halflings, sturdy dwarves, or exotic creatures from distant realms, users can filter and discover characters belonging to specific races.

Character Class

The character graveyard showcases the diverse classes and professions that adventurers can embody. Characters can be sorted according to their chosen path, such as warriors, mages, rogues, clerics, or any other class unique to a particular roleplaying system.

Upon selecting a character, users are presented with a detailed profile that highlights their backstory, abilities, equipment, and any additional notes or achievements. This information allows fellow players to immerse themselves in the character’s rich history and seamlessly integrate them into their own campaigns.

To ensure the quality and integrity of the characters, the Character Graveyard incorporates a community-driven rating and feedback system. Players can provide reviews, comments, and suggestions, aiding others in making informed decisions when downloading characters.

Additionally, the website encourages users to submit their own original artwork, providing a visual representation of the characters for a more engaging experience. This collaborative aspect fosters a vibrant and supportive community where players can exchange ideas, stories, and even collaborate on character crossovers or shared campaign universes.

The Character Graveyard is a testament to the creativity, dedication, and camaraderie that defines the tabletop RPG community. With its intuitive organization, comprehensive categorization, and user-driven content, it has become an indispensable resource for players seeking new adventures and memorable characters to enrich their gaming experiences. So, embrace the legacy of fallen heroes and embark on epic quests, all within the depths of the character graveyard.